Wednesday 8 May 2013


Carrier Medium

Devices need to be connected via a carrier medium:

  • Metal cable:
  1. Advantages: It uses electrical signals and it is cheap to  by.
  2. Disadvantages: limited capacity maycause problems in installation.
  • Fibre optic cable:
  1. Advantages: uses light beams, it also have a high capacity, resistant to interference and weathering.
  2. Disadvantages: it is more expensive and needs special NICs.
  • Wireless: 
  1. Advantages: no need for building work and it's easy to add new nodes.
  2. Disadvantages: security is more difficult to achieve and it has a limited range.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Internal and External Networks.

Internal and External Networks
Most organisations run their own networks. This lets them have total control over the safety of their data, but it alsomeans that have take the risks that go with running their own networks.

Some organizations outsource their networking. they may set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
This is held on a remote server and id accessed from any Internet-connected computer. Connections have to be encrypted because data travels over public links.

Friday 19 April 2013

Drawbacks of Network

Drawbacks of Network
There are also drawbacks to networks:
  • Networks can be expensive to set up and maintain
  • They may need specialist staff to look after them.
  • there needs to be good security to keep data safe. The use of loging credentials and access right are essentials.
You user loging ID connects you to a network, and if your password is correct you will be assigned certainaccess rights and privileges. This means that you have all the resources you need but can't acces or damage data that doesn't concern you.

Friday 12 April 2013

Benefits of networks

There are may advantages to a computer network:
  • Network computers can all use the same printer and other peripherals.
  • Computers can use the same data, which allows lots of people to work on a project at the same time.
  • Users can comunicate on the netowork and they can log in anywhere and on any machine.
  • the processing power of many computers can be combine. this is called distributed processing
  • the computers can load software from the same location, which means the users will all have the same version software.this makes it easier to upgrade the software because only one copy needs to be replace.

Why network?

A network is a group of connected computers and devides. Each device is called a node.
Most personal computers are connected to a network for at least some of the time.
The Internet is the biggest network of all. It's made up of lots of connected networks.